Super Junior recently released two studio tracks of It's you (official remixed version) and Sorry Sorry - Answer
Long story-short:
I'm addicted to It's You (the remix) :DD
Whereas Sorry Sorry - Answer
On a bright side, I saw a lot people commented that their voices sound great and the soothing melody is very different than the original.
I have no comment about that, since, I rather like the original version.
I don't hate this new version
I need time to listen to it over and over again =]
The music video for it also have been released~

Sure, the boys looked great in the MV
But the concept of the MV~
Black and white; like the first MV
: It's fine
The acting.. err.. I wanted to see them dance!!!

I suggest y'all watch it ;)
Have a bit of a laugh, smile, drool and whatnot.