What's up..
Here's a new girl group..
Clique Girlz..
I was uploading the new mp3 player in my blog..
When I saw their Advertisement..
I love their new SINGLE and MUSIC VIDEO..
It is a must watch and must listen..
They are a 3 girl band~
Destinee Monroe (13), Paris Monroe (12) and Ariel Moore (13)
Destinee and Paris are sister, obviously and Ariel is their bestfriend from school^^
They have big voices for young girls..
Right now, I'm listening to their others song like How do you like me so far and Alter Ego..
Their song is quite mature.. Like a teens' songs not a TWEEN song..
Tween means the age between 10 to 13~ They're not kids but not teens either..
Hahah.. I'm so liking my job~
Anyway... Must Listen and Watch..
I'll write about them more^^

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