We had a basketball competition..
Before that day, we received news that we were fighting the upper secondary (*GASP!)
I know! We should be fighting the lower secondary >.<
I pitied the form 1 and form 2~
They had to fight the Form 4!!!
Especially form 1, they just entered the competition and..
Quickly lost..
We fought the form 5 and almost win
The scores were 8:12
At the end, we were tired..
Anyway, here are the pictures which Mustaqim took..
Mustaqim.. Why do every pictures almost got one of us moving?!!

Standing : Me and Aisyah
Sitting down (FROM LEFT TO RIGHT):
Row 1: Adibah and Izzati
Row 2: Niq, Nasibah, Helna and Ziera
Row 3: Kayrun and Meera
Row 4 (and the cutest!! >.<) : Syakiir
Yewseh! Steady jua!! :P
Row 1: Me, Adibah and Izzati
Row 2: Niq, Nasibah, Helna and Ziera
Row 3: Kayrun and Meera
Row 4 (Who's looking very tired..) : Syakiir
Kami masa tue, bising wahh~
All of us wana make funny poses..
Especially me, doing peace signs/ears behind Niq..
Hhehehehe :P
I just realized that ziera, kayrun, nasibah and meera were looking at me..

Okkay~ I don't have to show you who is who.. Okkay..
Sbnarnya, we were getting ready...
When Mustaqim was like playing around with the camera..
So, Aisyah threat to throw the ball at him..
I was actually waving.. Hhehe.. See my hand.. Lol~

The people that were standing..
(Yeah, us!)
We were trying to do a cool pose~
(My shirt ternaik =.="... That is sooooo EMBARASSING!!!)
The others who were sitting down control wahh~
By the way, Zaty was just getting ready to do a pose..
(Mustaqiim, haizzzzz.. No words no words~)

This picture is okkay lahh~
Nobody moved!!
I like to see this one~
This one is PERFECT!

Peace signs for everyone!!
Meera oh meera, sempat mengusai tudung..
Okkay udah tue~
All right, that is the end!
There's more where that come from!
You can see these and some new pictures at Adibah's blog~
It is at my sidebar^^
This was a production by Evil Sisters.Inc
*KaTTush! syndrome~
Thanks for VIEWING!!!
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