Remember "Save the Cheerleader, save the world"?
Errr.. I think some people should be save from her singing...
A lot of people have been commenting/comparing her music video to...
Paris Hilton's Stars are blind!!
Some said it is much better than stars the blind..
Hmm.. But I don't know if it is Singer Star quality...
My comment/remarks:
She sounds like a Jamaican singing..
(Which is weird because she's NOT!)
She raps in the music video..
And I don't mean like Fergie kinda way..
Nope.. The lame attempt kinda way...
There are many more to say... Just watch the video..
P.S: This one is ...... I don't know.. Usually, I would have written "must watch"
But this case is sensitive..
I'm not being harsh.. But she's trying to be a singer...
Gots To say what I gots to say..
The only thing in the music video that people like that is;
She is sexy in there.. (Where did that cute girl gone??)
I want her to go back to ACTING!!
Final Words: Nice song, wrong person...
Rate: Good but Not Great

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